Warranty Registration
Registration is a quick and easy way to protect your Triminator investment. Doing so will allow us to contact you should any issues with your product arise. Should you ever need your product's serial number, contact us.
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Serial Number Locations
The Buckmaster serial number is located on rear top left of the motor plate.
The Hybrid™ serial number is located on the back of the machine, by the power input, just below the model number.
The Mini Dry serial number is located near the motor, in the lower rear right corner of the black motor plate.
The Dry serial number is located near the motor, in the lower rear right corner of the black motor plate.
The XL Dry serial number is located on the black motor cover.
The Wet serial number is located in the lower right corner of the red aluminum side plate.
The TRP and TRP Stack serial numbers are located on the PID enclosure