Triminator Machines

For every step of your process

  • All
  • Buck
  • Conveyor
  • Extraction
  • Harvest
  • Shred
  • Trim

Process for Smokable Flower

Recommended Equipment:
BuckMaster pro

The BuckMaster removes wet or dry flowers from stems.

Recommended Equipment:
XL Dry

Trimmers remove leaves from buds resulting in higher grade smokable flower.


Process for Extract-Ready Biomass

Recommended Equipment:
BuckMaster pro

The BuckMaster removes wet or dry flowers from stems.

Recommended Equipment:

The ShredMaster shreds whole plants and flowers to a consistent size to improve dryer throughput.

Additional Processes

Input: Trim (Leaves)

Equipment: Dry Trimmer + Kief Kit

Output: Kief

Input: Bubble Hash/Kief/Flower

Equipment: Rosin Press

Output: Solventless Rosin

Input: Plant Waste

Equipment: Shredmaster

Output: 5/16" Shredded material